Ceramic Art in Sardinia, made of ceramic art to institutions, associations, religious institutions - Massidda Pottery

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Ceramica artistica lampada istrice

For over 50 years in our laboratory develops and expresses the love of art ceramics and the family passion for creative talents to various forms that the clay, recognized since ancient noble material and shaped by the greatest Renaissance artists can offer.

The originality of our work in ceramics, through the achievements of high / low relief in the round, colored glazes and firing a third fire, offers a wide range of artistic handicrafts.

Collaboration with local authorities, military authorities, sports associations, religious institutions, businesses and individuals gives us the opportunity to realize, in a completely original and custom, many works.

In our workshop there is a large store can offer our clients a wide range of local products in Sardinian (cork, wood, fabric, filigree, pottery, etc..) Submitted during the summer, in several tourist villages.
In our laboratory we are available to realize your ideas and point of sale we will be happy to present the most varied artistic expressions of Sardinian and souvenirs.

Mezzobusto in ceramica

Making sculptures and objects on furniture design. Ornaments, Appliques, Plates, Vases and Ceramic Favors finely machined for impressive results.

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Pannello in ceramica

Construction of panels, sculptures and items of furniture of a religious nature. Paintings, sculptures and ceramic panels Stoups finely worked for a result impressive.

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ceramica artistica donna con brocca
Stemma in ceramica

Realization Emblems, Trophies, for indoors and outdoors. Heraldic emblems, company logos, trophies and cups finely worked in ceramics for impressive results.

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